Speech team members brave the crowds
Standing up and speaking in front of a crowd is something that few students have the courage to do, but members of the speech team have made it an art.
There are currently 18 participating members in speech. The Speech team recently has had a contest in Warrensburg on Jan. 21. Freshman Alexa Scrivener placed seventh in regular prose reading, junior Briar Heavener placed sixth in regular prose reading, and freshman Kathryn Ricke placed fourth in regular prose reading. The team will host their home tournament on Feb. 4.
“We have had a recent group of freshmen join and do really well. We did very well in the last competition with prose,” speech coach Nathan Hopkins said.
Although these students have mustered up the courage to perform in front of crowds and judges, public speaking is still something that commonly makes people anxious or scared.
“Even if you now have the resolve to speak in front of people it doesn’t mean the fear is gone,” sophomore Ren Rozzel said.
According to fearof.net, public speaking is one of the most common fears. Speech students say speech team can help people get over their fear of public speaking.
“Since that is all you do in speech, you kind of shake off the nerves,” Scrivener said.
Hopkins has commented on how his students have developed since joining speech.
“They’ve gotten a lot more comfortable with speaking out loud in front of crowds, experimenting with their vocal performances, and having fun with goofing off during improv competitions,” Hopkins said.
Other members have commented that while the fear doesn’t go away, Speech still helps them come to a resolve with it.
“It has allowed me to do it even if I am terrified,” Rozzel said.
Some of the Speech members have even commented on how WHS should offer a public speaking class during the school day.
“It is an important skill to have, and it can be fun,” Scrivener said.
Members have commented how joining Speech has helped them meet people, and they’ve come to have a lot of fun with it.
“I have learned so much and gained great friends. I could never be more happy with an extra curricular,” Rozzel said.

Destiny Lee is a junior at Warsaw High School. This will be her second year writing for The Wildcat. She is involved in FCCLA, English Club, journalism...