Artist Corner: Ashlee Kuykendall
Senior expresses creative abilities through painting
Senior Ashlee Kuykendall works on her pottery project in her pottery and sculpture class. Kuykendall was the artist nominated for artist corner this month.
Senior Ashlee Kuykendall has a talent with paint and a canvas.
“Ashlee is a very talented artist and is always willing to try new artistic things,” art teacher Jennifer Greene said.
Kuykendall is willing to never give up and make the perfect art.
“Ashlee is always making sure her art is perfect and isn’t willing to give up on it until it is finally completely correct,” Greene said
She has thought about taking college level art courses after she graduates high school.
“I feel like I’ll take art classes in college,” said Kuykendall
She has not always liked art since she was little though. “I started liking art in middle school and since then I have taken art all through high school” Kuykendall said.
Greene and Kuykendall agree that their favorite painting that Kuykendall has done was a whale painting that she made.
“The painting of a whale was amazing, the water in it was so realistic.” Greene said.
“My favourite was when I painted a whale tail on a canvas.” Kuykendall said.
Other artist in Kuykendall’s art class appreciate her work as well.
“She is great at painting and can blow your mind with her paintings,” senior Frank McMillin said.
McMillin says that she is a great person as well.
“She has a really great personality,” McMillin said.

Makayla Mais is a senior at Warsaw High School and this is her third year in journalism. This is her second year serving as editor-in-chief. She is currently...