New students elected for 2016-2017 Student Council
With the school year coming to an end, new students have been chosen to represent Warsaw High School and be on the board of Student Council. Four students were chosen for the 2016-2017 Student Body Government and then eight were chosen per class which are known as class officials.
The student government is made up of President Noah Long, Vice President Ashlyn Yoder, Secretary Leeann Rozzel, and Treasurer Hannah Chapman. Student council consists of more than just the officers. Each class also has eight students representing them. The eight roles are president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, and four representatives.
Long said that as president he will be leading certain assemblies, leading student government meetings, and helping to divide the responsibility when we host events.
“I am in Student Council because it will look good on my college applications and it is fun. I like the assemblies because they help me get comfortable with being in front of people. I am happy about being in student council as a representative again this year,” freshman Allison Thomas said. Thomas will be a sophomore class representative.
Being in Student Council does have some requirements. Student Council sponsor Jennifer Greene says that in order to be president or vice president you have to have one year experience within the Student Council.
“I will be going on my fourth and final year of being in Student Council in the upcoming school year. I started out as freshman secretary, the sophomore vice president, and the president moved, so I got upped to president. Currently I am the junior class president, and next year I will be student body president,” Long said.
They try to encourage Student Council for many reasons and the current students have joined for many different reasons.
“I would like everyone to try out different organizations in the school and see if you like them,” Long said.
“It is just a matter of each one of us being willing to work hard to make a change,” Long said.

Jordan Plybon is a freshman and this is her first year writing for The Wildcat. She is involved in basketball and pep club. She enjoys cooking, playing...