Artist Corner: Rebecca Letcher
Attention to detail brings out talent in artist
Junior Rebecca Letcher works on a painting of “Starry Night.” She has been in an art class since freshman year.
Junior Rebecca Letcher’s passion for art is apparent in her attention to detail and her perfectionist attitude towards her work.
Letcher is in love with art and says that it’s what she does in her free time.
Letcher is in drawing and painting and is currently working on a painting piece replicating ”Starry Night” by Van Gogh.
“I love art; it’s fun, and I am very good at it. You get to express yourself and how you feel through your art,” Letcher said. “I think it would be cool to become an tattoo artist, I have drawn out a couple tattoos and recreated my sisters butterfly-skull tattoo.”
Art teacher Jennifer Greene has seen her get better at art with every piece she does.
“She is very good at art, she likes to focus on the detail in the piece she is doing,” Greene said.
Letcher is very picky about her artistic work.
“She does detail really well; if the her art isn’t like the picture, she has to fix it,” Greene said.
“She has elite talent, she can do her art work fast and somehow it will still turn out good,” senior Albert Cormack said. Cormack is in the drawing and painting class with Letcher.
“When she messes up on her artwork she somehow fixes it, and doesn’t give up until it’s done,” Maddie Rozzel said. Rozzel is also in the same drawing and painting class.
Fellow artists admire Letcher for different reasons.
“Her work is really good and she is efficient with getting her work done and making it look good,” senior Carter Phillips said. Phillips is also in the same drawing and painting class.
Letcher and some of her fellow art classmates agree on that her best artwork is her mosaic, and her ink project.
The mosaic project that she did was small ripped pieces of magazine formed into a picture of Minnie Mouse.
“My favorite piece of mine would be my Minnie Mouse. It was really fun and it is on the wall of the art room. I had to make sure that all of the different colors matched and made sure it was pretty much perfect,” Letcher said. “My favorite kind of stuff to draw is elephants, I love elephants. They are cute and endangered.”
The ink project that Letcher had to do was a picture of a detailed tattoo.
Letcher said that her favorite medium of art is painting, and has done many painting pieces.
Letcher plans to attend college and get a minor in art.
“I will always do art. I do art in my free time, when I’m bored, when people tell me to. I do art just about whenever. I love doing it,” Letcher said.

Mykal Albers is a junior and she has been in journalism for two years. She likes journalism because it gives her a chance to talk to people that she doesn’t...