Celebrating Christmas: Then and Now. Traditions change as we age
You may hope and think that the Christmas traditions you had while you were a child will follow you throughout your adulthood, but odds are that they may not. As you get older things do change, even throughout the wonderful holiday time.
In the past, things that I did with my family during the holiday season consisted of decorating cookies for Santa, reading typical Christmas stories, staying up late waiting for Santa, and making reindeer food and laying it outside. Everything I did with my family was always so special and meant a lot to me. Unfortunately, things don’t seem as magical now.
In addition to being in present time and almost being an adult, I don’t exactly get as excited for making cookies, or waiting for Santa. During the past two holiday seasons, I would say that the whole atmosphere in my house changed. Instead of staying up all night waiting to unwrap the presents, I spent time with my mom wrapping presents for everyone else, and also enjoying the break from school.
Thinking about the future can be scary, but more than likely you will have your own family, and you will be able to make memories with them during this time of year. After having children, it’s almost like you can experience your past through them, since you will see that they will be overly excited for all the festivities just like you were.
For you, things will still seem different whether you have kids or not, and eventually you will find other things to do during the holiday time to still celebrate. Christmas can be a magical time, so you have to make the best out of it.

Alexis Riga is a senior at Warsaw High School this year. This is her third year being a member of the news staff. Riga is also involved in cheerleading....