High School Hero: Austin McCall
Student body president takes the extra step
What is a High School Hero? Some people would define it as somebody who is the best at their sport, or somebody who gets voted as the King or Queen for homecoming. Many teachers at WHS consider student council president senior Austin McCall a high school hero.
“Austin wants to make his school a better place and is willing to work hard to make that happen. He includes all students and speaks of the student body as a family,” said Pep club sponsor and teacher Tricia Foster. “ He is a positive influence on underclassmen and has helped to improve the attitude and atmosphere of the school and the student body.”
McCall said his goal is not only to be a leader, but to push others to become leaders and reach their potential.
“A high school hero means you would also be considered a leader, have the ability to inspire others, be able to perform well, to set and achieve challenging goals, and to make swift and decisive action, even in difficult situations. You also need to be able to push and help people strive to their full potential and never give up,” he said.
McCall goes beyond leadership to go out of his way each day to make people happy and he loves seeing the smiles on peoples faces when he is able to help somebody with something.
“Austin is the student body president. He is always willing to help in any community event and also helps out a lot around the school. I believe Austin is one of our High School Heroes because he cares for each individual at WHS and is always doing his best to see that the school year is a great one,” said student council sponsor and teacher Jennifer Greene.
“Never stop improving, always push yourself to better you and others, be a leader not a follower, and never give up,” McCall said.
So what is a high school hero? A lot of students, teachers and community members would agree that Austin is.
“We only regret the chances we didn’t take,” McCall said.

Ashton Adams is a 15-year-old sophomore at Warsaw High School. It is her first year writing for The Wildcat, but that’s only one of the many extracurricular...