Cheer squad grows, prepares for competition
Varsity Cheerleaders perform before homecoming game. They include, freshman Shelby Dunum, senior Alexis Riga, freshman Chloe Lux, junior Johna Newman, freshman Trinidy Brownfield, senior Melissa Scrivener, sophomore Emily Stantorf, freshman Kayla Boucher, and sophomore Cora Rodgers.
Although the cheerleaders make it look easy, cheer is a lot more than smiling, and being loud. It takes a lot of practice and effort. This year, cheerleaders hope that effort pays off when they compete.
“We have to work really hard and practice a lot,” said sophomore Destiny Lee.
Over the summer, the cheerleaders went to a team camp at Missouri State University, where they trained hard for more than nine hours a day.
The squad has grown in size this season.
“More girls equal more opportunity,” said senior Alexis Riga said.
With more opportunity comes the chance to perform more stunts. Throwing someone up in the air, doing a flip, and catching someone, takes a lot of work, coordination, and trust.
“I would say our combination stunts is our hardest stunt probably,” sophomore Naomi Meyers said.
For the very first time in a long time, the cheer squad is going to competition. In December, the cheer squad will be on their way to Kansas City where they will give all they have to impress the judges. Practicing, repetition, and hard work is what will get them through it.
Seniors Alexis Riga, and Melissa Scrivener, are the team captains.
“I think it’s an honor to be captain because you are not only a role model for the girls, but you also become close friends with everyone,” said senior Melissa Scrivener. “You have a chance to work one on one with all of them and you get a more in depth idea of how they feel and what they are experiencing being a member of the team.”
“I try and keep everyone positive, and upbeat,” said Riga.

Autumn Rhea is a freshman this school year. This is her first year being a part of The Wildcat news staff. Rhea is not only involved in journalism but...