New ‘Wildcat Nation’ takes off

Wildcat Nation prepares to cheer for the football team during their game against Cole Camp. The boys lost 43-0.
This year, participation in Pep club is up. There are more students showing their school spirit by showing up to games and events to cheer on the teams and support their school.
“We go to events, dress up, and intimidate the other team,” said freshman Kolby Estes.
The number of students actually going to games and participating in the club is much larger than it has been in the past years. This is because many members have been spreading the word.
Lots of fun times are had in the club, and while having fun, students can, at the same time, show pride for their school and cheer on their classmates. Many members even have favorite memories from a sporting event they went to.
“My favorite memory from pep club is when Noah tried to part the Red Sea of people,” said senior Madison Lane.
Pep Club members try to go to games and/or matches for every sport the school offers. They don’t do any fundraisers, but they do sell Pep Club shirts every year.
“Everyone should join Pep Club. It is fun and a great way to show off your school spirit,” English teacher and Pep Club sponsor Tricia Foster said. Even other schools have noticed Pep Club and commented on how much school spirit they have.

Abby Foster is a freshman this year. This is her first year writing for The Wildcat. She plays volleyball, is vice president of the freshman class, and...