Book banning is a huge issue we are facing in the United States. In 41 states, over 5,894 books were banned from July 2021 to June 2023. Those books usually are banned because they include or discuss themes around race, people of color, LGBTQ+ issues, sexual content and drug-related issues. The range includes classic books like How to kill a Mockingbird to books published in the recent decade like The Hate U Give.
There are many reasons why people are in favor of banning books. Parents want to be able to talk to kids about the topics in the books. The parents believe that they should have the right to decide what material children can read. They also believe that banning books could stop people from being inspired to take adverse actions. The Catcher in the Rye is a most frequently banned title that has inspired several shootings. They believe that censoring books can reduce the impact of hate speech.
There are many reasons why people are against banning books. They feel like it attacks the first amendment. They believe that it goes against the right of freedom of speech if the book is banned. Another reason is that most of the banned books become celebrated classics of literature. The banning of books is based off personal opinions instead of facts.
I don’t believe that books should be banned. Books are under the protection of the first amendment and banning them goes against what the freedom of speech is about. Taking away the right to read certain books because they make someone uncomfortable shouldn’t happen. Good literature should make us question our world and the structure of our society. There are books that are unsuitable for certain ages to read, but it’s the parents job to check on what their child is reading. All it takes is a group of people to feel uncomfortable with the topic in the book to ban it. Today, the banning of books is focused on race, people of color and LGBTQ+ topics. Banning books affects everyone, especially ones who want to read the books that have been banned.
Book banning must come to a stop
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About the Contributor

Heather Terry, Profiles Managing Editor
Senior Heather Terry is in her fourth year on the news staff. This year is her second year being an editor and was promoted to the profile editor. She is also involved in FBLA, FCCLA, student council and pep club. This year, she plans to write and edit more profiles about the student body. Her goal is to make sure every school event is covered and to make sure the photos have everyone in the school. She plans to attend college for either journalism or athletic training. She also plans to join the military.