Seniors Shane Poyser and Keira Mostaffa are running for 2024-2025 Courtwarming king and queen. Mostaffa is involved in basketball, mountain biking, national honor society, student council, journalism, and yearbook. She would like to win just simply for the experience! When asked how she was going to get people to vote for her she stated, “I am going to campaign. I made stickers with Shane and my pictures on them and put them on candy bars.” When Mostaffa was asked what piece of advice she would give to someone younger than her she stated, “To just enjoy the moment and be appreciative that you are getting to experience these times.”
Shane Poyser is involved in basketball, football, NHS, track, and FBLA. He would like to win because he thinks that it would be really cool. When asked what one piece of advice he would give to someone younger than him he said, “ Don’t procrastinate on homework.”