Senior Hazel Thompson is the daughter of Jennifer and Eric Masoner. She is involved in women’s choir, performance choir, yearbook, pep club, and she is the FCCLA secretary. She works at McDonald’s and the Warsaw Antique Mall. After high school she plans to attend State Fair Community College and then transfer to SBU to finish her degree. The Hollywood star she would most like to meet is “Morgan Freeman because “I love his acting and voice overs and he’s really funny.” Her favorite high school memories have been all the games she photographed with Tatum and Keira and bringing Ariel to school events.
Senior Gabe Wassman is the son of DeAnna and Kevin Wassman. He is involved in Robotics, Madrigal, and FCCLA. Outside of school, Wassman plays video games, reading, takes walks, and enjoys stargazing. After graduation, he plans on going to college and becoming a trauma nurse. Wassman said the Hollywood star he would like to meet is Chris Pratt because he seems like a nice guy and he plays one of his favorite Marvel characters. His favorite high school memory was playing the Lion in the Wizard of Oz.