Junior candidates Brennen Slavens and Tanna Howe are running for 2024 Homecoming Prince and Princess. Howe stated that she has always wanted to run for homecoming princess for the overall experience and fun. “If I could give advice to a big group of people it would be to not care what other people think about you and trust God,” Howe said. She is involved in volleyball, softball, basketball, pep club, student council, journalism, and prom committee. Tanna’s strategy to get people to vote for her would be being nice to others. Slavens is most proud of keeping good grades throughout high school and being able to attend school activities. “I am involved in football, basketball, baseball, student council, yearbook, and pep club,” stated Brennen Slavens. He claims he didn’t know he got voted until someone informed him about it, and he was pretty excited for the opportunity. Slavens’ idea to get students to vote for him for prince is putting up posters around the school.
Meet the Candidates: Tanna Howe and Brennen Slavens
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Bailey Burnworth, Staff Writer
Sophomore Bailey Burnworth is a second-year journalism student. She is looking forward to getting to know new people and writing challenging stories for the newspaper. Burnworth is involved in managing volleyball, FFA, and Pep Club this school year. In her free time she likes to go outside, spend time with family and friends, and travel. After high school, Burnworth plans to attend a college and study to be a radiologist. She is excited to learn more and have another fun year writing for The Wildcat.