Juniors Adison Sherrill and Brayden Henderson are candidates for Homecoming princess and prince. Sherrill plays volleyball, softball, and is active in the pep club and prom committee. Sherrill is excited about running for princess. “It’s honestly not about winning, it’s just about having fun and getting to participate in your school and do all the activities that go along with it,” she said. Sherrills future plans are to go to the State Fair for two years and study dental hygiene. When asked if she could give advice to a big group of people, she said, “I would say don’t care what other people think because a lot of times it holds people back from doing things.” She is also most grateful for her family. “I’m grateful for my family and the opportunities they have sacrificed to give me,” Sherrill added. Brayden Henderson is involved in Cross Country, basketball, track, FFA, FBLA, FCA, Student Council, Prom Committee, and A+. Henderson is excited about running for prince. “My brother won the prince when he was a junior and so I would like to win it too,” he said. When asked if he could give advice to a group of people, he said, “Be confident in yourself and your abilities.” When Henderson was asked what he is most grateful for, he said, “All the opportunities I get as a student.”
Meet the Candidates: Brayden Henderson and Adison Sherrill
Juniors Brayden Henderson and Adison Sherrill run as candidates for Homecoming 2024.
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About the Contributors

Alexis Wynn, Staff Writer
Freshman Alexis Wynn is a first-year journalist on the Warsaw High School news staff. With this being Wynn’s first year on staff, she wishes to make many new friends. She is involved with the WHS cheerleading team and pep club. After high school, she plans to go to cosmetology school and become a hairstylist. Outside of school, she enjoys hanging out with friends and spending time with family. Wynn is so excited to start her first year on staff.

Keira Mostaffa, Editor-in-Chief
Senior Keira Mostaffa is in her fourth year of the Wildcat news production and second year of the Wildcat yearbook. In Mostaffa’s first year on staff, she served as a staff writer then was promoted to Wildcat Online and Social Media editor then worked her way up to Editor-in-Chief and is now working as Editor-in-Chief for the second year. Mostaffa prefers newspaper over yearbook because her favorite part of journalism is the writing aspect. She looks forward to letting student voices be heard through articles and photography. Mostaffa is involved in basketball, NHS, FBLA, pep club, student council, and mountain biking. Her favorite sport is mountain biking where she competes against girls from around the state. Outside of school she can be found at practice or spending time with her friends and family.