Cheer squad works hard to have successful season
Cheerleaders line up for the national anthem at the first home football game of the season. They included senior Tristen Weiser, junior Clara McMurtry, junior Alexis Riga, junior Melissa Scrivener, sophomore Brennan Bell, sophomore Kalee Schietzelt, and freshmen Cora Rogers, Emily Stantorf, Kylee Myers, and Briar Strunk..
Cheerleaders have been putting in a significant amount of time in practice to perfect new routines, stunts and cheers. The team and new coaches have set goals to improve and build the WHS cheer program.
Determination for improvement is crucial as the cheerleaders want to eventually become a competition squad. Coaches Kelsi Ricks and Rikki Thompson are new to coaching the high school squad this year and their both second year teachers in the Warsaw School District.
“I love coaching so far. It’s great to continue to do something I love,” Thompson said.
Thompson coached the JBMS cheerleaders last year, as this will be her second year coaching.
“I love coaching. I enjoy watching the new skills the girls learn. The whole squad has grown so much as a team since the first practice. They prepared so much for camp, and the awards they won at camp proves their hard work. Since camp we continue to grow with stunts, cheers, dances, tumbling, jumps, and more,” Ricks said.
“I think the squads biggest improvement is their execution of cheer moves and technique. Overall they have made great bounds in improving their overall cheer ability,” Thompson said.
“I feel like we have a great group of girls who put their differences aside and work hard to support each other as a team. I think throughout the year they have built a better team and continue to grow,” Ricks said
The squad and coaches continue to work hard as their wanting to meet the goal of becoming a competition squad.
“After the homecoming routine, I hope the community can see the cheer squad as a good asset to the high school. Next year we are hoping to have more students interested in cheerleading so we can build a competition squad,” Ricks said.
During the week of June 22nd-25th, the cheerleaders attended cheer camp at the University of Central Missouri in Warrensburg. During camp, the squad worked hard to achieve goals to create and learn new routines, nail difficult stunts, and perfect cheers. The squad not only worked hard, but also made memories while enjoying the fun aspects that camp offered.
“My favorite part of camp was the ice cream machine in the dining hall. Every time we ate lunch and dinner, we could get unlimited ice cream,” freshman Emily Stantorf said.
“My favorite part of camp was learning the new stunts, dances, and the mini competition,” junior Clara McMurtry said.
Another aspect of camp that was fun for the cheerleaders were the All American Cheerleader tryouts. Anyone can try out, and if selected, members have the opportunity to go on a particular trip and perform together. Senior Tristen Weiser auditioned, and became an All American Cheerleader for the second year in a row.
“I was happy that I made it my second year in a row, but I wish that I would’ve tried out my freshman and sophomore year too” Weiser said.
In addition to working hard at camp, the cheerleaders brought home two trophies and ten ribbons based on their improvement and performance at camp.
If all goes well, the cheerleaders will be attending competition next July in Springfield, Missouri. There are still hopes for a bigger and better squad for WHS as they continue to grow.
“This year I hope the girls continue to grow as a squad with behavior, safety, and harder and better skills. My biggest goal as the cheerleading coach is to make a difference and show Warsaw what these girls are capable of doing. I have the skills and knowledge to bring a change to the cheer program. Some things we do may seem difficult and out of the girls league, but I know my girls and I believe in everything I push them to do,” Ricks said.
Hard work will still be taken into consideration as the cheerleaders continue to perfect routines, stunts, and cheers for this years season and other upcoming events.

Alexis Riga is a senior at Warsaw High School this year. This is her third year being a member of the news staff. Riga is also involved in cheerleading....